Category: Marketing

Website Marketing VS Online MarketingWebsite Marketing VS Online Marketing

  1. Website marketing and online marketing look similar in terms of meaning, but the actual implementation level is quite different. Website marketing is mainly based on the website as the main body through various exposure operations to achieve the effect of website promotion. Internet marketing is mainly based on marketing operations. The website is not necessarily the main axis of marketing. It may be a product or a corporate image. Therefore, the focus of exposure may not necessarily be on the website exposure, so there is a big gap in the effectiveness of website marketing.

    Therefore, if you want to promote the corporate website as the main body, you should choose the correct marketing method, that is, website marketing, in order to achieve the ideal exposure benefit.Second, the importance of website marketing.
  2. The basic element of the E-ization of a company is to set up a corporate image website. The traditional corporate marketing methods are nothing more than advertising, trade export magazines, and domestic and foreign exhibitions. However, with the E-ization of enterprises, website marketing has gradually replaced traditional marketing.

    The establishment of a website by an enterprise is the same concept as the establishment of a physical store. The physical store needs to be advertised, published posters, opening promotions and other marketing methods to achieve the effect of increasing popularity and visibility. The same is true for corporate websites. Any effective website marketing means that no one will know your website. Therefore, choosing an effective website marketing method is the most important evaluation after the enterprise e-commerce.
  1. The possible negative benefits of website marketing
    Website marketing is very important, but it may also cause business owners to “spend a lot of money and get bored but not get the expected effect of website marketing.” Currently, most of the website marketing methods provided by Internet companies belong to a single product marketing model, such as: search engine key Word ranking, business portal inquiry letter (inquiry), website login etc. The above-mentioned marketing methods are all effective marketing methods, and online marketing should focus on the execution results, but the general online marketers only focus on the execution process. In other words, the company spent money to buy the inquiry letter, but is the letter a buyer that the company needs, is the letter useful?! The company spends money to rank it, can it really increase website traffic and business opportunities for the company after the ranking?! These Problems are what business owners should pay attention to. These problems can give you the results you really need!!
  2. The revenue of website marketing
    (1). Significantly increase the visibility of the website.
    (2). Effectively create website visit traffic.
    (3). Really gain business opportunities and profits brought by website marketing.
  1. Features of iBotong’s integrated marketing plan
    The biggest difference between the integrated marketing plan and the marketing plan proposed by general online marketing companies is that Aibotong Technology provides the business owner with a holistic marketing consultant, rather than a single marketing product. The business owner spends money on marketing, and the focus is on marketing. The result is not the process. Aibotong Technology is the result that satisfies the business owner. If your company is interested in this program, you can contact the company, and the company will provide your company with an exclusive marketing project.